Bogie Overhaul

Bogie, as one of the most important parts of locomotive, plays a crucial role in locomotive operation. Because of rough working conditions, and separate maintenance procedure, bogie maintenance occupies a special seat in any discussion of repair topics. Since GM locomotives are the largest group of locomotives fleet in RAI, and acceptable performance of them is of particular importance. Therefore, this contract concentrated on bogie and its main components overhauling. Overhaul of RAI locomotive bogies has been run by Tora, since August 2008 for 2.5 years and has been performed in Tehran railway overhaul workshops. Axle-box bearings repair, wheel reprofiling and replacement, axle replacement, bogie frame repair and overhaul, brake cylinders repair, as well as performing scheduled and corrective maintenance of bogie and its related components, were amongst Tora’s responsibilities in the mentioned contract. In 2010, complete parts supply and rebuilt of 6 bogies, belonging to Khuzestan Steel Company, were accomplished in Tora workshop. This contract was the first experience of Iranian railways industry in repairing bogies outside railway and in private companies’ workshops.